Thursday, February 10, 2011

TechnoView | iOS 4.2.1 Untethered Jailbreak - Finally!

So, as they said, finally iOS 4.2.1 has been jailbroken, untethered. So there's no more complicated steps using redsn0w. Let's welcome, the NextGen jailbreak, greenpois0n RC5.


Supported devices:
iPhone:- 2G, 3G, 3GS and 4 (includes Verizon iPhone 4 running iOS 4.2.5)
iPod Touch - 2G, 3G and 4G
iPad - 1G
Apple TV

As I already said, it's untethered. That means you don't need a computer to help you boot up your device.

It's very easy:
  1. Download greenpois0n RC5 Beta 4 from the link below.
  2. Set your iDevice into DFU mode (to do this, simply connect your iDevice to your computer. Then power off with the cable connected. Wait for 5-10 seconds. Hold down power button for 3 seconds, then hold the home button for 10 seconds without releasing the power button. SHOOT! You might release the power button if you're using only one hand. Trust me, use two hands please. Then, remove the power button but hands still on the home button for 15-30 seconds).
  3. Your computer will identify your iDevice and iTunes may pop out saying that your device is in recovery mode. Close iTunes.
  4. Run greenpois0n RC5 and start jailbreaking. The process takes long time but it's worth it. It will reboot a few times.
  5. After you've managed to boot, there's a "Loader" on your home screen and run it and install Cydia bundle.
  6. Then run Cydia to tweak your iDevices!
Very easy. No IPSW needed!

So, it's as easy as ABC.

- Bright Ivan TechnoView

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