Today library having AGM. So the moment (i've been or not been, IDK) waiting for, finally arrived. Cham has been live-updating our FB group since he got 0.fb... Well, here's d list:
Pengerusi: Chong Kai Ning
Naib Pengerusi 1: Leong Yu Hua
Naib Pengerusi 2: Leo Kai Zhong
Setiausaha: Yeo Ying Hui
Pen. Setiausaha: Teow Chiau Mey
Benderhari: Tan En Ning
Juruaudit: Lim Wei Shuang
S/U Pengurusan:
1) Vong Sze Xin
2) Kee Zheng Khai
3) Khoo Lisa
4) Ong Zhi Xin
5) Heng Pei Shiuan
Ketua Disiplin: Lee Wee Beng
Ketua Eksekutif: Tan Yi Ling
Pen. Eksekutif: Yeoh Jia Yuen
Ketua Kebersihan: Khai Chyi
Ketua Sidang Petang: Ong Zhi Huang
Ketua Unit Koleksi: Brandon
Ketua Bilik Bacaan (a.k.a Ketua Starbuck): Lim An Nie
Ketua Sudut: Chong Khai Jia
Pen. Ketua Sudut: Sze Yien
Pen. Ketua Unit Koleksi & Ketua Taman Herba dibubarkan...
Well, the day started off with all the form 3s sitting in the room, and get shooed out by freaking form 5s, and everyone started chatting and discussing at the top of their voices, hoping that the juniors will hear. Then senior Low Wei Yan (i'm taller than him... :) ) and Ng Jia Wai came in, unexpectedly... and yep, everyone came in at last, and the room is filled with noises... but then everything went on well...
trying to post pictures here but failed... will try later soon....
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